Regulations and standards concerning emergency lighting:
1. Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 on technical specifications for buildings and their location. Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 Journal of Laws No. 75, Item 690, as amended; Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 March 2009, Journal of Laws No. 56, Item 461 and Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 10 December 2010, Journal of Laws No. 239, Item 1597.
2. Regulation of the Minister of Interior and Administration of 7 June 2010 on fire protection of buildings, other civil structures and lands (Journal of Laws No. 109, Item 719).
3. Regulation of the Minister of Interior and Administration of 27 April 2010 on the specification of products used to assure public safety or the protection of health, life and property, and rules for issuance of certificates of admittance for these products (Journal of Laws No. 85, Item 553).
4. PN-EN 50172:2005 – Emergency escape lighting systems.
5. PN-EN 1838:2005 Lighting applications. Emergency lighting.
6. MLAR guidelines (standard guidelines adopted by a conference of ministers of construction regarding requirements for technical aspects of fire protection of electrical wiring systems), taking into consideration the requirements of the European Parliament included in the guidelines of Directive 98/24/EC of 11 June 1998, amended by the guidelines of Directive 98/48/EC of 20 July 1998 (Official Journal of the EC, No. L 217, p. 18).
Additional standards to be followed when designing emergency lighting systems:
- PN-EN 60598-2-22: 2004/AC Luminaires – Part 2-22: Particular requirements – Luminaires for emergency lighting.
- HD 384/HD 60364 PN-IEC 60364:1999 (multi-part document) Electrical installations for buildings.
- PN-EN 13032-1:2005 Light and lighting. Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires. Part 1: Measurement and file format.
- PN-EN 13032-2:2005 Light and lighting. Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires. Part 2: Presentation of data for indoor and outdoor workplaces.
- PN-EN 12464-1:2004 Light and lighting – Lighting of workplaces.–Part 1: Indoor workplaces
- PN-EN 50171:2007 Central power supply systems
- PN-EN 50272-2:2007 Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations – Part 2: Stationary batteries.
- PN-EN 60529:2003 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
- PN-EN 61347:2005 (multi-part document) Lamp controlgear – Part 2-7: Particular requirements for DC supplied electronic ballasts for emergency lighting.
- PN-EN 60617-11:2004 Graphical symbols for diagrams – Part 11: Architectural and topographical installation plans and diagrams.
- PN-N-01256-5:1998 Safety signs. Rules for placement of safety signs along escape routes and fire access roads.
- PN-N-01255:1992 Safety colours and safety signs.